September 8th - Parent meeting at 6pm downstairs in the pit!
September 15th - God created you to reveal Himself.
Reading From: Genesis 1:26-31 Who I am? And what’s my purpose? This age-old question has kept many of us up at night. As we grow older, we begin to look deeper at who we are and who we want to be. There are moments when we look around and wonder what we want to be known for and even what our legacy may be. We wonder if we should be more like so-and-so in our math class, on our sports team, or even in our group at church. Fortunately, with God, we learn that He created us on purpose for a purpose. In fact, as we’ll learn today in Genesis, God crafted each and every single one of us with purpose in mind. And we get to live out that unique purpose in our daily lives!
September 22nd - Drowning out the noise helps us to hear God's voice.
Reading From: 1 Samuel 3:1-21 Have you ever been in a room where it was so loud that you could not hear the person next to you? Once you left that room, the new space you entered may feel eerily quiet, but the good news was you could properly hear! Sometimes, in our relationship with God, there are many loud things in our hearts and minds that we cannot hear His voice. Listening to His voice and hearing from Him is how we can best discern His path for our lives. Today, as we navigate Samuel’s journey in hearing God, we’ll learn that the impact of tuning into God is huge!
September 29th - What you do flows out of how you've been designed.
Reading From: Colossians 3:12-17 If we were all honest with ourselves, we love being told a direct answer. Yes or no. This or that. Being told a definitive is a lot easier than the in between space of having options. When it comes to our purpose and God’s plan for our lives, we often think life would be a lot easier if we were told, “Do this. This is what you’re supposed to do.” In the realm of discerning if God only has one specific plan for our lives, that would certainly be helpful! However, as we’ll learn today, although God has a plan for our lives, our lives aren’t one definitive route. As we follow God and listen to His voice every step of the way, we’ll come to learn that in whatever we do, doing it in the name of Jesus allows us to remain in His path for us.